is dedicated to proclaiming the clear message of Scripture. We live in an increasingly secular society and, as a result, we are constantly bombarded with messages that are in direct opposition to the written word of God. The level of deception in our world today is above and beyond anything we have ever seen. Make no mistake about it, dark spiritual forces are just as active in today's world, if not moreso, than in the time when Jesus walked the earth in human form. It appears that satan is ramping up his efforts to steal, kill and destroy since he knows that his time is quickly running out. 


We often see Christian messages focused solely on the love and forgiveness Jesus offers. These messages are important and needed in a world of lost souls. Equally important and necessary are tangible reminders of the coming judgment of this world and every soul therein. We have to remember that, while God is a God of love, He is also Holy. God cannot and will not simply overlook sin and rebellion against Him. As a Holy God, He must deal with sin. That is why Jesus came to this earth and laid down His life as the full payment of our sin debt. When we truly accept Jesus as our Savior, we are forgiven for all of our sins - past, present, and future - and can then rest assured that, when we draw our last breath in this world, we will spend the rest of eternity in Heaven with Him.


It is crucial to keep in mind that every person in this world is a soul who will live forever in one of two places: in heaven or in hell. God has made that abundantly clear in His word. All the disbelief in the world will not change that reality. Disbelief is the devil's deception. A person can in no way alter the reality of the coming judgment, heaven or hell by his or her refusal to believe it. You may refuse to believe that you will be burned by holding your bare hand in the flames of a campfire. Stick your hand in a campfire and you will quickly feel how wrong you were. At least in that example you can learn from your mistake and move on. If a person leaves this world refusing Jesus, he or she does not get a another chance. They had all of their chances while they were still living in this world and sealed their own fate with their decision to reject Jesus. In short, the reality of Jesus does not depend on our belief or disbelief; our eternal destination does.


We cannot force someone to believe the truth, just as God does not force anyone to believe. Each person must make his or her own decision. As Christians, however, we are called upon to share the gospel with others. It is my prayer that the articles and designs on this site will spark conversations and opportunities to do exactly that. 


