"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you" - Jeremiah 1:5


One of the most heartbreaking deceptions of our time is the claim that abortion is not the murder of a human being. God made it clear in His word that He is the giver of life and human life begins at the moment of conception. That is not up for debate. We have a society and a government that claims abortion is "health care" and that it is a "right". No, it is not health care. Pulling a defenseless, unborn baby apart, limb from limb, is absolutely NOT "health care". It is murder and murder is not a "right". American culture today accepts abortion as a means of birth control. Make no mistake about it, child sacrifice did not end with the Pagan nations in the Old Testament. It continues today under the banner of "health care" and "bodily autonomy". It is just as satanic today as it was in Old Testament times. Our government and a growing segment of our society promote, defend, applaud and fund it without remorse.


It is understood that there is no "one size fits all" legislation that can address every scenario with regard to pregnancy and reproduction. A moral, God-fearing society would have no need for such legislation even if it did exist. Such a society would approach every pregnancy from a biblical perspective, acknowledging every human life as a creation of God, respecting and treating each one accordingly. As circumstances present a dilemma to be dealt with, prayer would be an immediate course of action, seeking direct guidance from the One who created the life that is in danger. As humans, we do not have all the answers; but, as believers, we know the One who does. Unfortunately, our society being as it is, prayer to the living God is often a last resort rather than an immediate response, or worse yet, not even a consideration.


Murdering unborn babies has become a badge of honor for some of the most twisted people in our society. Under the euphemism "pro-choice", crowds of people will gather in the streets to chant their mantra, "My body, my choice!You see them holding up signs that read, "I DON'T REGRET MY ABORTION" and "ABORTION ON DEMAND & WITHOUT APOLOGY". Celebrities unapologetically announce that they've had abortions and immediately receive cheers from the audience. Videos on YouTube show smiling women talking about their "happiness" at being able to have an abortion so they could live the life they wanted, with absolutely no remorse for the life they ended. So-called comedians joke about abortion as if it is merely some mundane matter of triviality. It truly seems that these people cannot slaughter enough defenseless babies to satisfy their blood lust. Seriously, "ABORTION ON DEMAND & WITHOUT APOLOGY" has exactly nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with a satanic spirit thriving on the destruction of God's most vulnerable creation.


While it is not disputed that a woman can do whatever she chooses with her own body, it is NOT HER BODY that is being brutally vacuumed and torn apart during an abortion. It is the baby's body that is being mutilated and, no one has a right to do that to a defenseless, unborn baby. "Rights" are given by God. Regardless of whether this earthly government makes it "legal" to murder your baby, it is not your right to do so. God Himself will avenge the shed blood of these unborn babies.