"I Wondered What Happened to America... Until I Read Romans 1"


While America is not mentioned in the Bible, chapter one in the book of Romans bears a striking resemblance to the current state of our nation. Contrary to what some would have you believe, this country was founded upon Christian principles and prospered greatly as a result. However, we have allowed God to be removed from our schools, public spaces, and from our society as a whole so as not to "offend" anyone. We allowed this as if it is perfectly fine to offend God, our Creator, just so long as we do not offend anyone who has chosen to reject Him. Based on the current state of chaos, confusion and unrelenting deception permeating our country today, I believe God has removed His hand of protection from this country and we are now a nation that has been given over. 


When people choose to remove the living God from their nation, evil quickly moves in and takes over. We see evidence of this in every facet of daily life. Our society as a whole no longer values that which is good, true, wholesome and godly. America now elevates and celebrates all manner of abominations against God, including but absolutely not limited to:


  • child sacrifice under the guise of "health care"; 
  • euthanasia and the devaluation of human life;
  • homosexuality and the destruction of biblical marriage;
  • transgenderism, which is an all out satanic attack on the one part of God's creation that He made in His own image;
  • transhumanism, a man-centered futile effort to obtain immortality apart from having to recognize Jesus as Creator and Savior;
  • rejection of biblical standards of truth and embracing the lie that "truth is relative";
  • a government that promotes everything listed above.


The sad reality of this situation is that America's best days are behind her. The only hope we have is for this nation, as a whole, to return to God. At the present time, there is no real indication that such a change is in the making. Instead of putting faith in the living God, our society puts faith in lying politicians, scripted media mouthpieces and the deceptive benevolence of mankind. Anger, division, rebellion, perversion, indignation and willful ignorance have taken over American culture. Evil screams so loudly in the face of truth that many Christians have chosen to simply remain silent and "go along to get along". Maybe this is why we do not see America named in the Bible, not even as a blip on the radar...